Does Your Child...

  • Need help dealing with worries or anxiety?
  • Seem overly emotional?
  • Get angry and does not seem able to control themselves?
  • Struggle with transitions or changes in routine?
  • Have trouble with peer relationships?
  • Seem depressed, irritable, or withdrawn?
  • Struggle with behaviors at school?

Do You As A Parent...

  • Struggle to get your child to listen?
  • Get frustrated in knowing the best way to handle difficult parenting decisions?
  • Want to better understand your child’s behavior and struggles?
  • Feel like your personal wellbeing or marriage is impacted by how your child behaves?
  • Feel like you no longer know what to do or where to turn for help?

Do You As An Adult...

  • Feel overly anxious or worried most of the time?
  • Feel sad, depressed, or unable to cope with daily life?
  • Struggle to cope with stress or changes in your life?
  • Feel overwhelmed by a recent change in your life?
  • Have a negative experience in your life that you wish you could just get over?

If you are searching for answers
to any of these types of questions
or have concerns about your child, adolescent, or self,
I am here to help.

Please allow 2-3 business days to hear back from us about your request

Services Provided