Helping you process through your child’s vulnerable nervous system & overwhelming behaviors

Therapy for Parents

Break free from the behavior whack-a-mole. Understand your child’s behaviors for good!

Our therapists are trained using Robyn Gobbel’s techniques and tools grounded in relational neuroscience. Your therapist will work with you on building connection, adding parenting tools to your tool belt, and helping you feel like a more confident parent.

Is parenting therapy right for me?

The answer is more than likely yes!

Kids don’t come with manuals (we wish!). As parents, we’re often left to our own experiences and tools to raise our kids. Sometimes, it feels like it’s not enough or maybe the way our parents raised us isn’t how we want to be parenting our kids.

  • Big or small, all behaviors have a reason and a purpose. These all look different for different kiddos, but they can include: disruption of class, intense tantrums, excessive worry, aggression, self-harm, and more.

  • Trying to manage all that’s already on your plate + your kiddo’s big behaviors makes parenting feel so heavy. It’s normal for negative feelings to pop up when your kiddo is struggling.

  • Feeling like you’ve lost yourself, your partnership, or your friendships because your kiddo’s behaviors have taken over your life? There is hope and our therapists are here to support you in finding the balance you’re looking for.

If you’re struggling with…

  • Each behavior has a reason. Our therapists will explore the behaviors with you and help you understand your role in the behaviors and provide tools to best support your child.

  • When our nervous system is living in fight or flight, it’s hard to make behavior change (or have your child understand what they did wrong). Our therapists will help you seek connection before correction to make the biggest impact on the behavior at hand.

  • Each child is different, which means you need a lot of different tools to support your family’s mental health needs! After parenting therapy, you can feel confident in knowing what tools will help your family thrive!

Here’s how parenting therapy can help!